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Demon Sabitsuki is a special NPC encountered by Rust in the final area of the game, the Rust Corridor. She is a bloody, horned Sabitsuki bound by fleshy tendrils. Once Rust reaches her room, she acquires the Iron Pipe and cannot leave; the only thing left to do is to kill Demon Sabitsuki. After five hits, she will die, and the flow session will end, leaving the player in the real world, to acquire the True Ending.


  • Rust, in later stages of damage, looks a lot like Demon Sabitsuki, and they actually share a spritesheet.


  • It is often speculated that Demon Sabitsuki is related to Rust and represents her control over Sabitsuki and the disease spreading through her body, or the original, diseased Sabitsuki, which Rust must kill to take full control.