Dotflow Wiki

The Industrial Snow World can be gotten to by way of the Apartments.

The whole landscape is covered by snow and is adorned with smoking chimneys and cylindrical buildings. The Dress Effect can be found in one of these buildings, and another one contains a flower which allows access to the Plant Labyrinth.

The tunnel entrance found northeast of the world entrance leads to Disposal before the flower is activated. After activating the flower, the tunnel becomes the stairs to the Plant Labyrinth. Note that after activating the flower, the world's map changes and you can no longer return directly to the Apartments (flower resets after waking up).


  • If you blow the Whistle, and then wander around, you may notice Little Sabitsuki.
  • When used here, the Watering Can causes snow to fall.
  • Sabitsuki's breath can be seen freezing in the air here.


  • The industrial world could be or near to where Sabitsuki grew up, at the same time the smoke (or, rather, the industrial chemicals causing or in said smoke) could be the cause of her illness. Support for this theory is the young Sabitsuki ghost that wanders around the area.
  • One theory suggests that the snow is actually ashes and that the building is really a mass crematory.